
Flourish FI faz parte do Scale-Up Endeavor 2023.1

Com 12 unicórnios na rede, a Endeavor apoia empresas que crescem no Brasil e fortalece compromisso com a transformação do ecossistema empreendedor. A Flourish FI faz parte do  Scale-Up Endeavor 2023.1,  programa de aceleração  para empresas com alto potencial de crescimento. Desde os anos 2000 no Brasil,  a organização acompanhou e estimulou transformações importantes no ecossistema empreendedor de inovação do […]

Como usar elementos de jogos para gerar engajamento

A gamificação para instituições financeiras tem se tornado cada vez mais popular em aplicativos e bancos digitais, com o objetivo de aprimorar a experiência do usuário e impulsionar o engajamento dos clientes. O uso de elementos e design de jogos em diferentes contextos para motivar e engajar pessoas a alcançarem seus objetivos tem sido chave para o sucesso de produtos […]

Game-elements for financial institutions

Gamification for financial institutions has become increasingly popular in mobile applications and digital banking, as businesses seek to enhance user experience and drive customer engagement. The use of game elements and design in non-game contexts to motivate and engage people to achieve their goals have been game changers in many industries. We have experienced successful usage of game-elements in Health […]

Inovação Aberta: Parcerias entre Instituições financeiras e fintechs e o desafio da educação financeira

Com o avanço da tecnologia, o open banking e o crescimento das fintechs, o acesso a serviços financeiros passou a ser mais democrático e inclusivo, chegando a 96% dos brasileiros com acesso a uma conta bancária em 2020, segundo a Agência Brasil. Ao mesmo tempo, surgiram novos desafios principalmente voltados à educação financeira e o engajamento dos clientes que passaram […]

We are ready for 2023: Growth and learnings from the past year

2022 was an amazing year at Flourish FI and we want to share with you some insights, reflections and learnings from the past year During the year, in collaboration with our customers, we had a big impact across the Americas, we supported more than 47 thousand people from Brazil, Bolivia and the United States to have better money habits and […]

Flourish Fi partners with Tricolor to empower Latinx borrowers to build positive money habits.

Flourish integrates its customer engagement and financial wellness platform with Tricolor to enhance both borrower’s financial health and digital experience San Francisco, California, January , 2023 — Flourish Fi, a California-based fintech, has partnered with Tricolor to expand on its mission to provide responsible products and drive financial inclusion for US Hispanics to launch a financial wellness and loyalty program. […]

The Financial Institution of the future

We all know the importance of data-driven personalization and recommendations in the digital economy. In the post-pandemic world, these are rooted in our daily activities from watching a movie to listening to music or making an online purchase. Netflix recommends the next show you are likely to enjoy, Amazon recommends items you will likely need (or not), and Spotify recommends […]

Flourish raised a $2.3 million funding round, led by Magma Partners

We’re happy to announce that we’ve raised $2.3 million in our latest funding round. This milestone would not be possible without the support of our new and returning investors. The round is led by Magma Partners with participation of Remarkable Ventures, Lightspeed Venture Partners Scout Fund, Canary, Seedstars, Cap Table Coalition, I am the fund, Kadmotek VC, Potencia Ventures and […]

Flourish FI é a grande vencedora da competição de Pitch da Converge, Mastercard Latam Innovation Forum em Miami

No palco principal da conferência que reúne instituições financeiras emissoras de cartões Mastercard, empresas de tecnologia financeira, fintechs e parceiros, a Flourish FI foi a grande vencedora da competição de pitch da Mastercard Latam Innovation Forum A Flourish FI, startup co-fundada por um Brasileiro na Califórnia, com a missão de incentivar pessoas a terem melhores hábitos financeiros ao mesmo tempo […]